As if having a work accident wasn’t bad enough, some employers try to ignore or hide that their employee was injured in the course of their employment. Insurance carriers do not take kindly to an employer fails to report an accident. Workers Compensation insurance carriers are generally well equipped to handle worker injuries but the failure of an employer to timely report the accident to the insurance carrier often leads to unnecessary additional costs to the carrier. An employer should immediately report an accident to the insurance carrier or risk a full investigation into why the company failed to report. Once reported the insurance carrier will take over the investigation and proper handling of the workers medical care. If your employer has failed to report your accident, contact our office at (973) 481-4364 for a free consultation. Once retained, our office will gladly take your information and report the accident to the appropriate workers compensation carrier so that you get the appropriate medical care and temporary disability benefits provided by the New Jersey Workers Compensation law. There is nothing like having a client call with good news, “They got their temporary disability check and it covered all the back weeks since the accident.” A relief especially since the rent or mortgage is due.